“Where ever I am, what ever I am doing, however I am feeling, I only need to close my eyes or gaze off into the distance and I connect with the beauty, warmth, laughter, support and endless love of the women I shared my Birthing Wisdom journey with. You provide comfort in the darkness, unquestionable support when I am lost, encouragement to let go and smiling strength to grow and to shine, all of this, when I just stop, breathe and listen to the essence of our amazing circle. You were and are My Doula’s; Kate, Jenny, Jolie, Emma, Hazel,Laura and of course our gorgeous Olivia, I am thankful and deeply grateful to all that brought me to you and to all that you gave, shared and opened, this was the greatest gift Birthing Wisdom honoured me and it has allowed me to grow and Doula from the strongest foundations possible. I love you all.”